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Photo: Lead Flashing

Lead Flashing

The whole point of stepped lead flashing is for one step to overlap the other, thus completely reducing the risk of water ever creeping in through the cut angle.

To step lead like in the picture it takes several hours of careful skilled cutting and instalation, but it will give a waterproof guard that will last for years and years.

The typical window/conservatory installer will be trying to achieve a quick and easy installation so that they can get to the next job and keep the meter ticking! Spending the best part of a day to do leadwork like this will almost certainly not be on the agenda. I am sure that in 15 years time when the lead has failed and perhaps the internal wall will also be water damaged the customer would love the opportunity to have paid an extra few hours labour and had the job done like this in the first place.

When Altus take on an installation, every detail is looked at and done inline with best building practice. We do not allow commission based workmen to decide what level of quality is exceptable on that paticular day! In fact we do not have any commission based workmen, we only have "employed" installers who take pride in the company ethos.

I am writing this article as i am often asked, " why are you more expensive?" This is a hard question to answer without listing lots and lots of  relatively minor points one after another, but it is the sum total of these small details that adds up to the differance between a job that is Ok and a job that is Correct and will still be Ok in 20 years.

I will post a picture of some leadwork that was done in the "quicker" way tomorrow, to compare the difference.

Thanks for looking.


By Gareth Oliver  |  Added on Tuesday 15 March 2011  |  Permalink

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