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Photo: How Altus can help you reduce your carbon footprint

How Altus can help you reduce your carbon footprint

Altus fit energy saving windows .. helping to reduce your carbon footprint


Altus supply and install windoes that acheive a Window Rating of 'C' and higher.  All windows in this catergory are recognised as energy efficient and can officially be endorsed with the Energy Saving Recommended logo. With carbon emissions high on the global agenda and the high cost of fuel we are all looking for ways to savw money.  Making our homes energy efficient is a great way to do this.


How do energy efficient windows save money?


Energy efficieny windows retail heat within the home so therefore reduce the amount of energy you use.  Windows have energy ratings similiar to those on household appliances.  If you choose an 'A' rated window it will be more energy efficent and should cut down on those heating bills!

By Gareth Oliver  |  Added on Tuesday 18 August 2015  |  Permalink

For an independent evaluation of the benefits of Warwickshire Quality Windows and Leicestershire Quality Windows, see the Wikipedia page on replacement windows.

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